- To have a clean water source able to be piped.
- For human and livestock consumption
- Food processing.
- To water market garden.
2. To catch and store rainwater that falls on the land and ground water that runs through the land in the form of ditches and streams and springs.
- Every structure collects rainwater; it is filtered and stored for use or run off to ponds.
- Structures include-barn, polytunnel, chicken sheds, egg packing house, tool store and veg processing, milking parlour.
- Ponds, lagoons and damns collect ground water.
3. To make the waterlogged places more usable i.e – at the spinny, by the oak tree.
- A system of swales/Keyline rips are made to divert water through a series of channels to slow run off and prevent top soil erosion,
- Plant suitable species to break up tractor pan and promote root growth and organic matter in the soil to increase water holding capacity.
4. To create more, varied aqueous habitats for wildlife and farm animals
- Natural swimming pool.
- Different depths
- Duck pond
- Pest control
5. To conserve water use across the farm business.
- Metering,
- compost loos
6. To recycle grey and black water.
- Reed bed system?
- Willow planting?